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dyed diesel in columbus oh


Is refueling one of the most annoying tasks you have as a construction company manager? Though it’s necessary, it’s an obnoxious and time-consuming interruption when you’re in the middle of jobs and the fuel gauge nears “E.”

Good news: You don’t have to worry about that anymore. There’s a wide range of bulk fuel delivery options available to you from Ricochet Fuel Distributors.

We’re a mobile fuel delivery provider that will keep your fuel tanks full with a custom schedule suited to your needs. Take a look at the commercial vehicle fuel delivery options and on-site services we offer.

Bulk Fuel Delivery for Construction Vehicles

Removing your equipment from the job site to refuel is a hassle and can put you and your staff in precarious situations. Rather than taking to the road and risking a ticket—or, worse, a wreck—let Ricochet Fuel Distributors come to you. Our bulk fuel delivery services are a quick and convenient way to get fuel for equipment without worries.

Some commercial vehicle fuel companies make you buy a whole tanker truck’s worth of diesel for delivery. They don’t care that convenient bulk fuel delivery services streamline work processes for small businesses and help them grow. Saving time and money with bulk fuel delivery can scale your business until you do need a full truckload.

Ricochet Fuel understands that using a huge volume of fuel isn’t realistic for most companies. We offer flexibility with our mobile fuel delivery options for your convenience, even if you don’t need a large volume of commercial vehicle fuel.

Don’t shy away, either, if on-site tanks don’t work for you. Our handy wet hosing refueling services bring the pump to you when you need it. Apart from being convenient on an everyday basis, this option is perfect for short projects where installing a fuel tank isn’t realistic or practical.

Make the Most of Your Fuel Money

Do you pay close attention to big fuel company commercials, or do you simply want good, reliable fuel for equipment you use every day? If you’re like most business owners, it’s the latter. Your focus stays on work and, when it comes to buying fuel, on saving money and keeping your machines running.

Whether you use on-site tanks or Ricochet Fuel’s wet hosing services, you could save money compared to the pump.

Think about it: You won’t pay fuel costs to drive to and from the fueling station or a premium for huge worldwide ad campaigns. You also won’t lose money paying your workers to pick up off-road diesel instead of doing their main jobs.

Don’t assume you can’t afford fuel delivery because another mobile fuel delivery provider gave you a sky-high quote. Ricochet will figure out a plan that works for you and help you stay within your on-site fuel budget.

Keep Track of On-Site Fuel Usage

Fueling at the job site, whether from a tank or Ricochet Fuel’s mobile fuel delivery truck, helps you keep track of fuel usage more seamlessly than is possible when refueling elsewhere.

We have touch-pad fuel tracking systems that monitor how much fuel each pump user takes, and when they take it. You can limit usage to authorized parties, or set a particular amount of fuel to dispense with each transaction.

Ricochet also uses an advanced cellular tank monitoring system, provided as a complimentary add-on. It helps you keep up with fuel usage rates and whether your tank needs refilling from your smartphone. You can use those insights to pinpoint the best times for mobile fuel delivery and anticipate needed schedule changes.

On-Site Tanks for Odd Hours and More

Construction is best started in the early morning, which means you need to start prep in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, you may have trouble accessing your local fuel station at 4:00 AM or face the hassle of driving the entire fleet across town to gas up. Even more annoying is when a piece of machinery runs out of fuel in the middle of a job and you have to stop work and leave the site to refuel it.

In those situations, on-site tanks of fuel are a big relief. Having on-site fuel lets you prepare your equipment at the hours you need with minimal hassle. You’ll also be prepared in case of unexpected events like fuel station closures and natural disasters that confine you to your worksite.

Do you have unique needs for fuel tank placement? We’ve come up with creative solutions before, and we’re happy to do it for you.

Ricochet Fuel Distributors has single-walled, double-walled, and concrete vaulted on-site tanks. We also carry the innovative, all-in-one FuelCube.

You can buy or rent any of these and could get a 100% discount on rent—yes, free rent—if you use Ricochet Fuel as a provider and turn the tank over twice per month. We have flexible scheduling options and will work with you to get you the commercial vehicle fuel you need.

Many Kinds of Fuel Available

Do you have trouble finding the right fuel for equipment that you work with? Getting red off-road diesel is sometimes a challenge and the nearest fueling station might not carry it or another kind of commercial vehicle fuel that you need. If you have that problem, mobile fuel delivery is the solution.

Ricochet Fuel Distributors offers a wide range of commercial vehicle fuel with convenient fuel delivery options: dyed diesel, on-road diesel, gasoline, 1-K kerosene, and propane.

That means we have something for all kinds of companies that work with various types of specialized equipment. Ricochet fuels everything from bulldozers to big rigs, from excavators to generators, and beyond.

On-Site Refueling Adds Oversight

Do your workers come back after fueling with gas caps hanging off, gasoline all over their machines, or return two hours late with half the convenience store, only to say “traffic” held them up?

If you’re sick of sloppy fueling practices and wasted time, use Ricochet’s professional on-site refueling or “wet hosing” service. We’ll come to your job site, hook one of our mobile fuel delivery vehicles up to your vehicles, and fill them up with expert skill.

Refueling won’t get between you and your employees anymore, and you won’t need to put in extra effort to pick up the slack. With wet hosing, there’s also no need for you to set up on-site tanks and follow the many state and federal regulations that come with them. Ricochet Fuel Distributors takes care of all the proper protocols when we fill your tank up from our mobile fuel delivery trucks.

Have you steered clear of on-site refueling services because you refuel your vehicles outside of regular business hours? It’s time to change your outlook.

Unlike bulk fuel delivery services that only work daylight hours or stop at 11:00 PM, Ricochet Fuel Distributors is available whenever you need us.

Our office hours are between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, but our dispatch crew works all day and night. We can stop by and get your fleet ready to go whether at 2:00 PM or 2:00 AM.

Off-Road Diesel and Other Fuels Delivered for Generators

You never know when a power outage from a weather event or sudden equipment failure might turn the lights out on your business. When that happens, you can’t afford it to last long. Your generator needs to be in good, working condition and ready to go to get you back on track ASAP.

Yet, you don’t need a generator most of the time, and going to pick up off-road diesel for it isn’t part of your routine. It’s a task that’s easy to put off or forget, but that puts you at risk.

Getting fuel from a nearby pump might be tricky when you’re in a pickle. The station might have the same problems you do!

That’s why Ricochet Fuel offers generator fuel delivery options. You can keep up with the work that pays the bills, and we’ll come by on a schedule to keep your generator at the ready.

Bulk Fuel Delivery for Emergencies

Even if you have a good plan to keep your generator going with a mobile fuel delivery provider, an issue could occur at the most inconvenient of times. You could be on the last day before your scheduled generator fuel refill when heavy winds knock the power out. Your generator could fail or run empty in the middle of a power outage when it’s all you have.

Or, maybe you rely on an on-site tank and it gets destroyed or stolen. Fuel tanks are sturdy and reliable for the most part, but accidents happen and on-site tanks take damage and fail on rare occasions. You need a backup commercial vehicle fuel option that you can rely on.

Ricochet Fuel knows these issues are concerns of yours and has your back in a pinch. We’re known for our service in the wake of natural disasters and other emergencies.

Your Mobile Fuel Delivery Provider

After reading this post, you know the great bulk fuel delivery options available to you. If you’re in the great state of Texas, any of the states surrounding it, or on our growing list of available areas, you’re in luck.

Ricochet Fuel Distributors provides these mobile fuel delivery services and more with a focus on customer satisfaction. Browse our products, read more about our fuel offerings, and get in touch with us today for a quote on your fueling needs.

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