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Ricochet Fuel Distributors can deliver the biofuels your company needs. We can deliver biodiesel and renewable diesel to your tank or ours! In addition to delivering to your tank, we offer tanks for rent, purchase, or free with monthly minimums.


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Renewable Diesel


Biofuels are renewable energy sources derived from organic materials, such as plants and animal waste. They offer an alternative to fossil fuels, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and dependence on non-renewable resources. Biofuels come in various forms, but the most common include ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel. These fuels can be used in various applications, from transportation to heating, offering a cleaner and often more sustainable energy solution.


Reach out today to speak with a Ricochet Fuel Account Executive to learn how we can help deliver biofuels to you and help your company reduce greenhouse emissions.

Uses of Biofuels

Biofuels serve several critical functions across different sectors:

Transportation: One of the primary uses of biofuels is in the transportation sector. Ethanol and biodiesel can be blended with traditional gasoline and diesel to power cars, trucks, and buses. These blends help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security by decreasing reliance on imported oil.

Aviation: The aviation industry is exploring biofuels to cut down on the substantial carbon footprint associated with air travel. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are being developed and tested to ensure they meet the high standards required for flight safety and performance.

Heating: Biofuels are also used for heating purposes. Biomass, such as wood pellets, can be burned to produce heat for residential and industrial applications. This method is particularly popular in regions with abundant forestry resources.

Electricity Generation: Biofuels can be utilized in power plants to generate electricity. Biomass power plants use organic materials like agricultural residues, wood chips, and even algae to produce energy. This not only provides a renewable energy source but also helps manage waste effectively.


Biodiesel: A Closer Look

Biodiesel is a type of biofuel derived from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking grease. It is produced through a chemical process called transesterification, which converts fats and oils into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), the chemical name for biodiesel.

Production and Characteristics

The production of biodiesel involves the following steps:

Feedstock Collection: Oils and fats are collected from various sources, including soybean oil, canola oil, animal fats, and used cooking oil.

Transesterification: The feedstock undergoes a reaction with methanol in the presence of a catalyst (usually sodium or potassium hydroxide) to produce biodiesel and glycerin.

Purification: The resulting biodiesel is then purified to remove impurities and meet quality standards.


Biodiesel has several notable characteristics:

Renewable: Made from renewable resources, biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic.

Reduces Emissions: It significantly reduces emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and unburned hydrocarbons.

Compatibility: Biodiesel can be used in existing diesel engines with little or no modifications, making it a convenient drop-in replacement.

Renewable Diesel: A Modern Alternative

Renewable diesel, also known as green diesel, is another type of biofuel. Unlike biodiesel, which is chemically different from petroleum diesel, renewable diesel is chemically identical to conventional diesel fuel. It is produced through a different process called hydrotreating.


Production and Characteristics

The production of renewable diesel involves:

Hydrotreating: Feedstocks such as vegetable oils, animal fats, and other organic materials are treated with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. This process breaks down the oils and fats into hydrocarbons, similar to those found in fossil diesel.

Purification: The resulting diesel is purified to remove contaminants and ensure it meets fuel quality standards.

Renewable diesel has several advantages:

Chemical Similarity: Being chemically identical to conventional diesel, it can be used in any diesel engine without modification.

Performance: It offers similar performance characteristics to petroleum diesel, including energy content and combustion properties.

Lower Emissions: Like biodiesel, renewable diesel helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.

Learn How Ricochet Fuel Can Make Your Job Easier

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