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Your Career Starts Here!

Ricochet Fuel Distributors is always looking for the next superstar to start their career and join our amazing team in the Dallas/Ft Worth area! If you think you are that superstar, take a look at our open positions, and please apply! If interested, please click the application link below.

Learn more about Ricochet Fuel and our core values. These values are what drives us – and our employees – as a company!

At Ricochet, we are more than just about fuel; we are also about fun, family, and future! We regularly schedule company lunches and celebrations, mark personal achievements and milestones within the company, and encourage all employees to continue to grow and learn.

person typing on laptop

Open Positions

Currently no open positions!

We Keep You Moving!

Tell us how we can assist you.

Learn How Ricochet Fuel Can Make Your Job Easier

Call Today for a Risk-Free Fuel Quote:   800-284-2540