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No matter what industry you’re in, if you use bulk fuel, there are countless advantages to using cellular tank monitors. Today we’ll talk about what they are.  With a cellular tank monitor, you can check the fluid levels in multiple tanks regardless of their location. Get the data you need in real-time and access it from your smartphone. With this information, you can improve efficiency and reduce costs. These monitors work for bulk fuel tanks, below-ground tanks, and in the field. You can easily track your usage and set custom alerts for low levels.

Over the last many years, the demand for dependable remote tank monitoring has increased. And now, with even more cellular towers, many remote locations that couldn’t be covered in the past – can now be covered.  So, if you have tanks spread over vast geographical areas, it’s easier to get the data and information you need. This helps you respond faster to security issues like leaks or theft. Plus, you can plan much easier and see how much fuel you’ll be needing. 

Get the Data You Need

Utilizing advanced remote monitoring is even more helpful when the appropriate staff is notified of real-time tank and fuel conditions. With customization, you or one of your main personnel can get notified by email or text the vital information you need.

Here are some examples of notifications you may want to receive:

  • Low fuel – when the tank needs a re-fill
  • Emergency conditions – like leaks or overfill
  • Theft – compromise or unauthorized access
  • Service – when maintenance or service is needed

Many customers also have surveillance cameras and lights around their tanks. That way they’re notified and can see what’s happening in real-time. You set up the system to fit your needs, so you get the information you want. When fuel tanks are vital to your business – cellular monitoring is essential.

Four Top Advantages of Cellular Monitoring

  1. Save money
  2. Save time
  3. Increase efficiency
  4. Worry less

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these advantages.


Every business wants to save money. With remote cellular monitoring, you have more control over fuel usage.

  • With Ricochet, cellular monitors are included for free with all tanks.
  • You can save money by only getting fuel when you need it. You won’t be getting unnecessary deliveries – especially during the off-season. That way, you’re not paying for fuel or service when you don’t need it.
  • With autofill, there are fewer fuel deliveries, so you save on delivery fees. You can set the fuel level you’d like for deliveries.
  • Reduce fuel usage from loss and theft. If there’s a surge in use, you’ll be notified right away. You can set a fuel usage limit and a notification of excess usage.


When you save time, you’re also saving money. And you can work on income-producing tasks. With cellular monitors:

  • You don’t have to remember to check fuel usage or send staff out to check and waste their valuable time.
  • Ricochet offers text and email alerts. You’ll be notified of any critical events. And you can set fill levels, so you get refills without having to think about it. That way you’ll never run out of fuel when you need it most.
  • With this valuable information, you can also see historical data, which will help with budgeting. And you’ll be able to spot excess usage.
  • You can track fuel levels at any time from the convenience of your phone or computer.


Being productive goes hand-in-hand with planning. With historical fuel usage data (from the cellular monitors), you can see what your busiest seasons are and budget accordingly. And on the flip side, you’ll be aware of the times that aren’t as busy, and you’ll know your fuel costs will be less. That can help your budgeting be more accurate. Here are some additional advantages: 

  • You’ll have one less thing to think about.
  • Fuel delivery is on your schedule and when it’s the most convenient.
  • Your employees will be on the job instead of wasting time at the pump.
  • When your tanks are full, staff arrive on time to customer appointments.
  • By skipping the gas stations, you’ll reduce mileage on all vehicles.
  • Less mileage means you’ll also save money on maintenance and repairs.
  • Your employees won’t be running out of fuel. They can keep working.
  • You can customize alerts and refills to fit your needs. Add a P.O. number for additional tracking.
  • You and your staff will be spending more time being productive instead of managing fuel use.
  • By avoiding manual refills, you’ll be more efficient and save money too.
  • No more wasting time at the pump means on-time arrival and increased customer satisfaction.


You might not consider that you “worry” about fuel. But what happens when there’s a big job and fuel runs out? Or if you have a remote location and getting fuel is a hassle. In times like these – it can be stressful. That’s why remote cellular monitoring is so helpful. Here are some additional advantages:

  • Know your numbers and budget ahead. See trends and usage, that way, you won’t be caught off guard in peak seasons.
  • You can set up auto-fill to make sure all vehicles are gassed up – instead of calling when you need fuel. It’s filled up automatically, and you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Reducing or eliminate emergency deliveries reduces stress.
  • The tank’s days till empty are monitored. That way, you never run out of fuel.
  • Spills or leaks would be immediately noticed so you can get it handled quickly.
  • Remote monitoring is easier than allocating staff for manual in-person monitoring.

More Ways Cellular Tank Monitors Help

cellular tank monitors

Whether you own only a few trucks or a large fleet, fuel tracking is a smart thing to do. Many delivery, service, and construction companies are more efficient with their fuel usage, saving them money each month.

Another advantage is customized key-pad entry settings. You can have users key in their:

  • Vehicle
  • Department
  • Employee ID
  • Numbers
  • Categories

These important customizations can eliminate unapproved use of your valuable inventory. Plus, you can set limits on the amount of fuel per transaction. Our secure and modern pump access includes a time and date stamp. So, you’ll know who’s using your fuel and will have less worry over theft.

Using keyed-in data, you can generate reports to see who’s using fuel, when they’re using it, and how much they use. And if at any time you want to change your settings, Ricochet staff can help you. By monitoring your fuel usage closely, you can cut out waste and increase your profit.

Fuel Delivery When You Need It

We can deliver based on your location using a bobcat, transport, or wet hosing. We deliver to above-ground tanks, in-ground tanks, fleets, and generators. We supply diesel, dyed diesel, propane, kerosene, and fuel supplies.

Our experienced staff can help you set up everything you need, from tanks to cellular fuel monitors and reporting.

Talk to Ricochet Fuel About How Cellular Monitors Can Help Your Business

Since 1988, Ricochet Fuel Distributors, Inc. has been supplying bulk fuel. We service Texas and the surrounding states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.  We’d like to make you one of our satisfied customers too. For your bulk fuel tank testing, cleaning and repair, contact Ricochet Fuel today.

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Tell us how we can assist you.

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