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Since winter is one of the more common times of the year to use kerosene, we’d like to share some tips.  As you know, almost all appliances, equipment, machines, and vehicles today operate on electricity, diesel fuel, or gasoline.  In winter as well as times of need, don’t forget about kerosene. Just remember – never put dyed kerosene or dyed diesel in a vehicle licensed for on-road use. This fuel costs less and lasts quite a long time. Read on to find out more about this little-used fuel.

What Can You Use Kerosene For?

Most of us growing up used kerosene when we went camping. We’d make sure we had a supply for our stoves and lanterns. This type of fuel works well for these small outdoor pieces of equipment. But, did you know that you can use kerosene to power big appliances like stoves, freezers, and refrigerators? And if you come from a farming background, you’ll know it can also keep big tractors going. Farmers know kerosene is easy to use and easy to store. This information is useful to remember whenever there is a severe gas or fuel shortage which can happen during natural disasters like hurricanes.

In an Emergency – How About Kerosene for Cars?
Unless it’s a high-performance automobile like a Porsche or Lamborghini, it won’t damage anything. But don’t be surprised if it smokes until some of the kerosene is used. Diesel fuel, lamp oil, and kerosene are – believe it or not basically the same thing. These fuels will merely burn up along with the gas in the tank. Don’t worry about emptying the gas before you put the kerosene in it. But, it is a good idea to fill up the remainder of the tank as soon as you can to dilute kerosene.

But, on the reverse side – never put unleaded gas in a diesel engine. That is dangerous and will destroy the engine.

Energy Efficient Kerosene
Did you know that kerosene is much more energy-efficient than gas? And, it stores better and lasts longer. Although it’s better to stick to using it for camping stoves or lanterns – in an emergency, you can use it for motors and cars. So if you’re in a situation where there is absolutely no gas, you’ll be happy to know that kerosene is efficient and easy to store.

And, another great thing about this fuel is it doesn’t freeze in the winter as gas does. Keep this in mind if you live in a frigid climate and need to store the fuel for more extended periods. Additionally, you don’t need to worry that it will evaporate like gasoline. Just make sure you store it in a tight container.

Kerosene Storage Tips

Unlike gasoline, kerosene does not “freeze” under really cold temperatures. It doesn’t evaporate either, which makes it an ideal fuel for storing longer periods. If left in a clean, tight container under ideal temperatures, kerosene will keep and stay stable. Make sure your storage container is clean though. Otherwise, you’ll have some stuff growing in no time at all. That “stuff” can be a problem and will clog the engines and make the fuel less flammable.

For best safety practices store the fuel in an outside shed – not in your garage and never in your home. In most hardware stores you can find blue cans that indicate kerosene vs. red cans which indicate gasoline. To save significant amounts of fuel, you can use oil drums but make sure they have locking lids. Never store in a gas container because it can catch fire.

We’re Here to Help – In Any Weather
Ricochet Fuel is proud to be part of your community for over 30 years. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your bulk fuel needs.

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