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best hiking trails in DFWAt Ricochet Fuel, we work hard to provide our customers the most reliable fuel delivery during any season. That being said, we also like to take time off and enjoy the outdoors. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best walking to best bike trails in the DFW area. Whether you want to take a leisurely stroll through some of the historical neighborhoods or do some serious biking we’ve got you covered. Since everyone has their favorite trail, we didn’t want to pick the favorite one. Instead, we’ve listing 30 trails in alphabetical order. This long list of trails can keep you busy during any season. Have fun exploring.

Let’s get started.

#1 Acorn Woods – Grapevine Lake Bike Trails

1000 Oak Grove Loop S. Grapevine TX, 76051 – Come enjoy paths, Grapevine bike trails, hiking trails, and a beach. Bring a picnic and your fishing poles. There are also docks for your boat

#2 Airfield Falls Trailhead and Conservation Park – Fort Worth

200 Pumphrey Dr, Westworth Village, TX 76114 – Hike near the biggest natural waterfall in Tarrant County. Visit during the northern migration and view the monarch butterflies. This is one of the best free things to do in Fort Worth.

#3 Arbor Hills Nature Center

6701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093 – There are plenty of things to do in Plano including beautiful trails in this 200-acre park to enjoy hiking, walking, and jogging, including a 2.8-mile off-road bike trail, 3 miles of a paved hiking trail, and 3 miles of an unpaved hiking trail.

#4 Bachman Lake Trail

3500 W. Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX  75220 – This popular neighborhood trail is 3.52 miles long and winds around Bachman Lake. Weekdays are not as busy as weekends.

#5 Boulder Park Trail

6600 Pastor Bailey Dr., Dallas, TX  75237 – Bikers love these 12 miles of advanced Dallas bicycle trails that offer twists, climbs, rocky sections, and creek crossings, as well as woods and fields.

#6 Cedar Ridge Preserve

7171 Mountain Creek Parkway Dallas, TX 75249 – Enjoy the 600 acres of nature preserve and 9 miles of hiking trails in North Texas winding through the hillside countryside.

#7 Centennial Park – Irving

444 W. Second St., Irving, TX 75060 – This is a great family-friendly historical town park with picnic areas, a beautiful fountain, and a 0.6-mile walking trail.

#8 Colleyville Nature Center Trail

100 Mill Wood Dr., Colleyville, TX 76034 – There are plenty of multi-use trails on this 46-acre nature preserve as well as ponds, woods, picnic areas, and play areas.

#9 Continental Avenue Bridge

109 Continental Ave., Dallas, TX 75207 – Both bikers and walkers enjoy the Continental Avenue Bridge that crosses the Trinity River in beautiful downtown Dallas.

Dallas Arboretum for nature#10 Dallas Arboretum

8525 Garland Road, Dallas, TX  75218 – spend the day strolling through this 66-acre botanical garden with friends and family.

#11 Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center at Cedar Hill

1206 W. FM 1382 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 – Hike the 3 miles of this wooded canyon. There are both beginner and advanced trails.

#12 Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

9601 Fossil Ridge Road Fort Worth, TX 76135 – There are trails for everyone living in Dallas Fort Worth including these 20 miles of hiking trails through wetlands, forests, and prairies.

#13 Katy Trail

3505 Maple Ave Dallas, TX 75219 – If you’re looking for things to do in Katy Texas, take a relaxing walk, bike, skate, or jog through the Oak Lawn and Uptown areas.  Living in Uptown Dallas is even more enjoyable when you can take a leisurely walk and get outside in the fresh air.

#14 Klyde Warren Park

1909 Woodall Rodgers Freeway Dallas, TX 75201 – covering over 5 acres in Downtown Dallas, walk, jog, and attend events including marathons.

#15 Lake Carolyn Bike and Jogging Trail

909 Lake Carolyn Pkwy, Irving, TX 75039 – about 3 miles of trail to bike, walk or job around a beautiful lake making living in Irving, TX enjoyable any season including winter in Dallas.

#16 Lakeside Park

4601 Lakeside Drive., Highland Park, TX  75209 – stroll through the 14-acres of beautiful landscape and paths winding around Turtle Lake, one of the best lakes in Dallas.

#17 Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area

201 E. Jones St., corner of Jones and Kealy streets, Lewisville, TX 75057 – covering 2,600 acres, there are six major trails to choose from.

#18 North Shore Trail

880 Simmons Rd, Flower Mound, TX 75022 – If you’re a local biker, you know about the busiest and longest mountain bike trail in No. Texas.

#19 Oak Cliff Nature Preserve – Dallas

2875 Pierce St, Dallas, TX 75233 – There are 8 miles of multi-use biking and hiking trails in Dallas, TX going through the preserve. For a beautiful walk during fall in Dallas, check out this nature preserve.

#20 Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve

5901 Los Rios Boulevard Plano, TX 75074 – If you’re looking for Plano bike trails, check out the Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve covering 800 acres are paved and soft trails surface trails for biking, walking, and jogging.

#21   Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Johnson Branch Unit

100 PW 4137 Pilot Point, TX 76258 – Spend a day or weekend rollerblading, riding your horse, hiking, biking, and strolling on the beach.

#22 River Legacy Park – Arlington

701 NW Green Oaks Blvd Arlington, TX 76006 – cross-country trail for beginners to advanced covering approximately 7.5 miles.

#23 Santa Fe Trail to White Rock Lake

722 Tenison Memorial Dr. Dallas, TX 75223 – Hike and bike on the 9.33 trail northeast of downtown Dallas with 1,015 acres winding around the lake. This is one of the most popular bike trails in Dallas for locals.

#24 Spring Creek Nature Area Trail

Renner And Plano Rd. Richardson, TX 75082 – These heavily wooded Plano hiking trails cover 1.9 mile. They’re busy with hikers and walkers. If you want to get out during summer in Dallas, these trails have shade. Try and go early. Great for a walk or jog before or after work or on the weekends.

#25 Swiss Avenue Historic District

Parts of La Vista Drive, Bryan Parkway, Live Oak Street, and Swiss Avenue – If you’re looking for the safest neighborhoods in Dallas, check out this East Dallas residential neighborhood if you’d like a leisurely stroll through historic districts.

#26 Texas Buckeye Trail

7000 Bexar Street Dallas, TX 75215 – Visit the Great Trinity Forest in southeast Dallas and discover this secluded hidden gem of a 1.6-mile trail.

#27 Trinity Forest Trail

Parking 6500 S Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas, TX 75217 – At 16.8 miles, this popular dog-friendly trail is one of the most popular running trails in Dallas.

#28 Trinity River Audubon Center

6500 Great Trinity Forest Way Dallas, TX 75217 – There are seven different trails, each between .25 and .75 miles long, winding near rivers and ponds and through forests and grass areas.

#29  Trinity Skyline Trail

Parking 3700 Sylvan Avenue, 109 Continental Avenue Continental Avenue Bridge, and 110 W. Commerce Street – this trail is great for bikers and hikers and covers 4.6 miles, and there are future plans for expansion.

#30 White Rock Lake

8300 Garland Rd, Dallas, TX 75218 – you can get a good workout on this 9.4-mile trail. No wonder it’s one of the city’s most popular trails.

Have Fun Hiking, Biking, and Running

Being part of the DFW community, the entire team at Ricochet Fuel hopes you’ve enjoyed these trail tips and plan on spending some time in our beautiful sunshine. And remember, if you’re looking for quality fuel and excellent service, choose Ricochet. And if you or someone you know is searching for a great place to work, with friendly people and employee benefits, consider Ricochet.

Since 1988, Ricochet Fuel Distributors, Inc. has supplied high-quality bulk fuel to companies across our community. We proudly service Texas, its surrounding states, and 17 more! We want to make you one of our satisfied customers too.

If you would like to learn more about fuel tank options or take advantage of our bulk fuel tank testing, cleaning, and repair services, contact the team at Ricochet Fuel today.


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