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Emergen Blog

You may get alerted that a storm is coming, but you’ll never know for sure how bad it will get. Whenever an emergency happens, there is always the risk that it will have a devastating impact on your business. Lost production, missed opportunities, and business interruption can all hurt your bottom line. Let’s look at why you should have an emergency generator plan to keep your business running smoothly when the power goes out.

Hurricane Preparedness

If you live in a hurricane alley, destructive storms are a genuine threat. Once disaster strikes, there will be fewer deliveries due to limited fuel allocation and longer lead times for fuel delivery.  Additionally, you could pay higher prices after a storm. Use our hurricane prep tips to address your fuel needs and put your hurricane preparedness plan together.

When a hurricane is imminent, there are steps you can take to increase your readiness. Whether you’re a new customer or have been with your fuel provider for years, you’ll want to ensure you are in tight communication with them and your schedules are coordinated. You should set this up before a storm happens. You’ll also want to prepare your employees and vendors. This article goes over the five steps for bulk fuel hurricane preparedness.

Having a good fuel plan in place can take you through evacuation and storm clean-up so you don’t have to stand in line for hours at the pump. In addition to fuel needs, use this disaster preparation list to think about the personal items you’ll need, as well as how to care for a pet in case of a weather emergency.

Emergency Generator – Diesel

This is the primary choice of power generation due to emergencies. Diesel generators are used by all types of businesses including, hospitals, water treatment plants, and airports that need to ensure their critical operations don’t break down during a power outage or weather emergency. They can also be used to pump water out of storm-ravaged areas.

Regardless of the use or what your business is, you need to ensure that you have fuel to power your emergency generator with diesel if a storm is headed your way. You also need to make sure it’s safely positioned and well above any possible flood levels.

Emergency Generator – Natural Gas

When it comes to emergency generators, natural gas can be an advantage in some situations. There is a strong chance that flooding or storm damage will make roads impassable. That would make it impossible for your fuel supplier to reach you. If you have a natural gas generator, you won’t need to worry about that. You also don’t need to be concerned about any kind of fuel spills, as you might with a gas generator. If your unit is positioned in a place that is difficult to reach and fuel up, a natural gas generator could be the perfect alternate solution.

Remember, unless you have a natural gas generator, you’ll need to make sure that obtaining an adequate fuel supply is included in your hurricane preparedness plan.

We hope your business is prepared and well-protected this hurricane season so you won’t have any problems. However, if you are facing an emergency, whether it’s hurricane-related or not, Ricochet Fuel is here to help in the following states: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

Call us today at 833-724-2789 or visit this page to find out why you should choose us for your fuel needs.

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  • Ricochet Fuel does not deliver to residential customers.

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